Hopefully a (near) future version of Adium will help me wipe that silly smiley off his face once and for all. Needless to say he’s been feeling pretty smug lately, what with me popping in to send PNGs and DMGs all the time.

If I can’t send files via Adium soon, I’m afraid I’m going to leash up the dogs, grab my decoys and go hunting with my old buddy iChat. Okay, I lied about that last one, but you get the idea.
Does adium really work install#
I’d be happy to offer console logs, install a beta version or even name my first kid “Duckie” if it helped. So I’m on my knees asking the powers that be to take another hard look at the FT problem and see what can be done.

I’m here to say that it has never worked reliably for me. This bug has plagued Adium since day one, even though the devs have reportedly “fixed” or “improved” file transfers several times. I can live without video chat (a blessing, trust me). So I take no joy in saying the software’s inability to quickly and reliably send and receive even the smallest of files is turning into a major deal breaker for me. I’ve even taken a stab at creating my own list themes build around Frenzic’s look and feel. Adium’s use of CSS to create custom message window or buddy list appearances has earned it a cult following. Its creators have thoughfully given the user control over just about every aspect of how Adium looks, sounds or behaves. I love the visual control the application brings to the desktop. The most depressing part is that I want to use Adium. So when my instant messenger refuses to send a file for the 10th time, or when the Chief Typist says to me “Did you get that file?” and I have to tell him “No! Damn Adium!” I start to get upset. A huge part of what I do involves sending and receiving files to far off, exotic places like Stockholm, Vienna and Laguna Beach (it’s in the OC!). What is the fowl source of my angst you ask? What could get my blood pressure high enough to ditch the customized GUI and invisible chat status heaven that is Adium? Two simple words – file transfers.Īt the Iconfactory, I converse with developers, friends and co-workers around the globe each and every day. Lately however, I’ve been thinking the duck would be better off served with a nice orange sauce instead of sitting in my Dock. Adium is a well-rounded collection of code that serves as an admirable replacement for the likes of AIM, Yahoo Messenger and my beloved iChat. After the program graduated from it’s extensive “beta” phase months ago, I figured I would finally give it a try and see what all the hub-bub was about.
Does adium really work for mac os x#
I really, really want to use the awesome instant messenger app for Mac OS X called Adium.